Thursday, February 11, 2010

Parvo Poop How Can I Treat A Pup That Might Have Parvo.?

How can I treat a pup that might have parvo.? - parvo poop

We believe that our three Labrador puppies 8 weeks have parvo. You shit, but no vomiting or blood fluid. You are always fun hungrey and thirst, as they always, but it is something that we can give them, just to be on the right side? We will check on Monday, but is closed now because it is Sunday. I have heard that Pepto might help, is this true?


  1. Pitbulls do not use Pepto if my aunt had parvo but call youre vet

  2. Make sure your dog drinks plenty of water. Parvo is very contagious. So they want to isolate the puppy dogs. In general, however, it is difficult to see anything green or blood in the download. This happens very quickly. You want to control the temperature when the peak values of over 102 degrees in May, an emergency clinic, which could be taken must be found. If the puppy seems dehydrated, you can Pediasure electrolyte balance. Pepto can work to reduce diarrhea. The key is to control the temperature with a thermometer and safe water remain and / or liquid can. At that age has little time for something go seriously wrong. Keep the dog quiet.

  3. Take him to the vet is the best thing to do. I see you have an appointment mon.It can not help but parvo is deadly for puppies and you can not try at home. Make sure, diarrhea, because it takes too much water, to help with dehydration, if you often drink a dropper water to drink, I put my mouth. With a little luck, might be that his last meal, or more recently the stress to be better in a new house, including internal parasites. I hope he has parvo and I wish him luck.

    Stay away from people and give medication to your dog, unless to do so by a veterinarian.

  4. Give your dog something, until you find a veterinarian who now should now be seen.

    Puppies can dehydrate very quickly, and what is wrong with the puppies, which could kill him before tomorrow.

    You need fluids and symptomatic treatment - and you need a correct diagnosis.

    Search for "Veterinary Emergency," from the nearest large town or city can be reached, followed, or the state - and soon at the end, nothing, or take questions.

    If you get in the water with a pipette, no, but nothing can - easy kill to give the false - and that includes Pepto Bismol!

    No one should prescribe drugs on this list - the quality of veterinary medicine without a license and is punishable.

  5. Kimba: When you died, so did IFebruary 12, 2010 at 2:58 PM

    Puppies need to see a vet today! Diarrhea in puppies can quickly become very serious and is probably dehydrated very quickly. TREAT YOURSELF YOU CAN NOT parvo. First, education and training are needed to diagnose the problem, it might be parvo, worms, coccidia, or viral, bacterial or parasitic others.
    Take them to the vet today! not an emergency veterinary clinic open on Sundays

  6. There are in-the-counter medications that I know of parvo. Take your dog to the vet - immediately. Any good vet will have to call an emergency number if needed. And they need. If your puppy has parvo, it must be processed as quickly as possible. It is very contagous. Parvo is in the air of dust or dirt carried out so that it can infect your neighborhood. Please call your vet again.

  7. There is no medicine at Petco in parvo.

    Keep your dog confined .. if it is parvo, clean all the places were puppies.

    Keep your baby well hydrated pedealite (Baby) works very well.

    Good luck!

    Be sure to bring vet Monday.

  8. Parvo is a serious disease. When I have a litter of stray dogs in 10 years, 4 of 6 deaths. You must make an emergency animal hospital NOW! Pepto will not help, veterinary care.

  9. I have the responsibility not help greed court. Communicate with your mentor or race veterinarian. Veterans of emergencies are open on Sunday.
